You can check the reason why a call is disconnected through the Call history page:
What it all means
How the call ended | Description |
| Expected behavior, user hangup the call. |
| Expected behavior, AI agent hangup the call. |
| Expected behavior, AI agent transferred the call. |
| Expected behavior, if AI agent configured voicemail settings, and reached voicemail. |
| Expected behavior, call was terminated due to the “End the call after x time” setting reached after long inactivity. |
| Expected behavior, call was ended due to the “Hang up the phone” setting triggering when an voicemail or similar is detected. |
| Expected behavior, call was terminated due to maximum duration reached. |
| Error, concurrency limit reached, add a retry with exponential backoff. Or consider enterprise plan. |
| Error, no valid payment registered on file, or service shut down due to bill overdue. |
| Error, scam detected for that particular agent. |
| Error, failed to retrieve dynamic variables for inbound phone call. |
| The number dialed in busy. |
| Dailing failed, might be due to callee number is non existent, or the agent number is marked as spam and got blocked. |
| The number dialed did not answer. |
| Error, LLM websocket connection broke during the call. |
| Error, LLM websocket received a closing signal other than |
| Error, LLM websocket received unspecified payload. |
| Error, frontend audio websocket received unspecified payload. |
| Error, Twilio websocket connection between server encountered an error. |
| Error, has not received audio from Twilio or web frontend for a while after connection has established. |
| Error, Ringly's ASR encountered a problem. |
| Error, unspecified side problem. |
| Error, unknown error. |
| Error, phone call is 30s or more apart from registering. |
Understand why an outbound call fails
When an outbound call is made and a dial_failed, dial_no_answer reason is returned, it means that the call is not successful. Possible reasons are:
The number dialed does not exist
The number you use to dial is marked as spam and got blocked
Error met in telephony provider (for example, max call per second limit reached)
The number dialed did not answer
It’s however beyond our scope and control to have more information about why it did not connect. If further information is needed, shoot us a message.